Wednesday, February 5, 2020

VMWare Fusion Catalina VM, Jamf Pro

Get The Catalina Installer

Obtain an Install macOS Version Mojave from your /Applications folder. Or run cd; curl -O; sudo python --workdir /tmp

open /tmp

Double Click the Installer DMG, Drag the Install macOS Catalina from within the DMG to the Desktop. Feed that to VMWare Fusion 11.5 +.

You will need VMWare Fusion 11.5 or Higher, Pro or Regular doesn't matter.

Make The VMWare VM

open /tmp
Double click the dmg
Drag the actuall Install macOS Mojave to VMWare Fusion

Right after the OS installs I would suggest shutting down and making a clone.


Shut the VM all the way down, use my script to set the serial number:

Do All The Things

Start the VM and enroll in Jamf Pro