Thursday, January 2, 2020

Install Terminus Font Ubuntu

Terminus font is easy to install in ubuntu command line. Just do this: sudo apt-get install xfonts-terminus console-terminus

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How to setup Unifi Docker AWS Controller (instead of using a cloudkey)

Set Up Your EC2

* get an aws ec2 supporting docker
* open the ports as described in the docker manifest:
* factory your USG
* ssh into your usg ubnt@usg-lan-ip-addr
* factory your USG from command line if you are feeling doubtful that the above worked: you can skip above step if you can somehow get in sudo restore-default
* set-inform http://$EC2IP:8080/inform
* head to https://$EC2IP:8443 and log in and now you can adopt your USG-3
* repeat the set-inform on your other Unifi branded devices and they will populate in the EC2 controller

Bonus Points Upgrading your (Unifi Device)

* while your ssh connection is live on the device, google unifi upgrade and get the link to the proper firmware, currently it's here
* upgrade https://$FIRMWARE (where $FIRMWARE) is the url of the firmware

What if the IPADDRESS of my Controller Changed, like I forgot To Set A Elastic IP?

It's all good you can SSH into your local devices using probably the last IP address shown in your messed up controller. Note when the devices get adopted the ssh creds change from default to something like superadmin, and a hash found in the following screen, so grab the ssh creds like so:

They let you view the password in plain text, and ssh right in, redo the set-inform command with the new URL and you will be all set. Do it per each device.